Welcome to the Heart of England Parishes

We are a group of 6 village churches in south Warwickshire situated between Stratford upon Avon and Evesham and centred around Bidford on Avon. 

Each of our churches has services at different times and different styles of worship. You are welcome to come to any of them where we hope you will feel welcomed and at home.


Saturday 7th September, from 9:30am in Bidford Church Hall:
Coffee Morning with tombola, cakes, tea and coffee.
Raising money for Warwick Hospital breast cancer unit.
Donations for tombola & cakes to Judith 773328 or Midge 490234

Saturday 7th September, 11am-2pm
St Matthew’s Day: Bouncy Castle, BBQ, Coffee Connect, Flying Teddies, Crafts, Games, and Face Painting.
Fun for all the family!

Tuesday 17th September, from 2pm at Bidford Church Hall
Mother’s Union: An afternoon of fellowship and planning. All welcome!

Saturday 21st September, 2-4pm at St Laurence's, Bidford
Harvest at Messy Church.
Free! All families with children welcome.
Bring a non-perishable item for a food bank if you can.

Starting Wednesday 9th October:
The Explore Course - 4 x weekly evening sessions exploring the meaning of life, the universe, and everything inbetween.

Services for Sunday 15th September are:

8.00am Holy Communion at Exhall

10.00am Holy Communion at Bidford

10.30am Café Church Family Service at Salford Priors

Enquiry Form for all our churches

To enquire about anything to do with any of our 6 churches please use this form

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Our People

At present we are in an interregnum, our Rector having retired in June and we have started the process of finding a new incumbent for the benefice.

Our Associate Minister, who has special responsibility for Salford Priors, is Rev Sheila Bridge who lives in the Vicarage in Salford Priors.

We have two Lay Readers, Mrs Judith Meehan who lives in Bidford and Allan Steven who lives in Stratford upon Avon.

We are very fortunate to have the support of three retired clergy living in the area who are able to help taking our regular services as well as some weddings and funerals.

There is a Ministry Team at St Matthew's in Salford Priors who support Sheila Bridge with the ministry there.


Rev Sheila Bridge is our Associate Minister with special responsibility for Salford Priors


Judith Meehan is a Reader and she lives in Bidford


Allan Steven is a Reader who lives in Stratford upon Avon.


Amy James is our Group Administrator and can be contacted at the Parish Office

Upcoming Events

10:30am -
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