Saturday 7th September, from 9:30am in Bidford Church Hall:
Coffee Morning with tombola, cakes, tea and coffee.
Raising money for Warwick Hospital breast cancer unit.
Donations for tombola & cakes to Judith 773328 or Midge 490234
Saturday 7th September, 11am-2pm
St Matthew’s Day: Bouncy Castle, BBQ, Coffee Connect, Flying Teddies, Crafts, Games, and Face Painting.
Fun for all the family!
Tuesday 17th September, from 2pm at Bidford Church Hall
Mother’s Union: An afternoon of fellowship and planning. All welcome!
Saturday 21st September, 2-4pm at St Laurence's, Bidford
Harvest at Messy Church.
Free! All families with children welcome.
Bring a non-perishable item for a food bank if you can.
Starting Wednesday 9th October:
The Explore Course - 4 x weekly evening sessions exploring the meaning of life, the universe, and everything inbetween.